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Get intel on your Salesforce by integrating, LinkedIn, News, Technology Stack and much more.

Up and running in under 5 minutes. No credit card required

A group of intelligent people looking for a laptop

Profiles from LinkedIn

Spend all their time to selling

Accelerates prospecting

Trusted by Global Brands

  • BobCat
  • Place Technology
  • Egym
  • Texeï

Why PipeLaunch

Real-time customer intel with a Salesforce LinkedIn Integration, improve Data Enrichment & Sales Insights.

Get more relevant contacts into Salesforce with the click of a button

  • Close more deals by having relevant company information at your fingertips.
  • Based on your ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) PipeLaunch will look for contacts and leads on LinkedIn, so you don't have to.
Woman checking her phone

Jessica Moore

Partner and CEO


Samantha Williams

Finance Manager

Bring Salesforce to LinkedIn

  • Take Salesforce with you when browsing through LinkedIn.
  • Tired of copying and pasting information from LinkedIn to Salesforce? You will love the PipeLaunch Chrome Extension.
Available in the Chrome Web Store
Woman checking her phonepreview

Real-Time Email verification

  • PipeLaunch generates and validates email addresses in real-time. The only 100% GDPR-compliant solution.
  • Make sure your emails get to the right person, and keep a healthy email deliverability rate. Never get your email blacklisted again!
Woman checking her phone

Get company Intelligence

  • Find out what the latest news says about your prospect or customer.
  • Get real-time insights on what technologies they are using.
  • See job openings and what technologies each role requires.
  • Never spend hours on end again going through press releases to find out what prospects have been up to.
Woman checking her phone

Org Charts

  • Extend the power of PipeLaunch by integrating with SalesMethods: OrgChartPlus
  • Visualise deeper stakeholder relationships with the most feature-rich org chart and relationship mapping tool for Salesforce.
  • Identify, manage and understand your stakeholder relationships to advance sales and grow accounts.
Woman checking her phone

Company Data

  • Get up to date insights about a company’s annual revenue, employee count, and a lot more.
  • Map standard industry codes with your Salesforce Industry values.
Woman checking her phone

Verified Credit Reports

  • Salesforce native app that allows you to request credit reports from within Salesforce with a click of a button.
  • Get credit reports from more than 10 credit score providers.
  • Store the credit report data in Salesforce and create reports based on the credit score.
Available on Salesforce AppExchange
Woman checking her phone

Customers Statements

See what our users have to say

5 Star-rated AppExchange App trusted by thousands of customers across the globe.

In-depth review

Recommended by SFBEN

The SFBEN blog (previously known as SalesforceBen), is the leading thought leader for Salesforce Ecosystem boosting over 400 authors and 1 Million unique visitors. Watch the full in-depth review to learn more about PipeLaunch.

Less Copy-Pasting, More Selling

Give your sales reps 9 hours back each week, while building more pipeline with less effort.